Need Lactation Education?

Lactation College Can Help

We provide educational practice exams and other courses which offer CERPs, CEUs, and CMEs.

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Practice Exam #1: General Knowledge

This exam has 50 questions covering a range of topics from the IBCLE Detailed Content Outline, some including photographs. Students will get full explanations of all answers. While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Practice Exam #2: Maternal Breastfeeding-Related Issues

This exam has 50 questions on topics found in the IBLCE Detailed Course Outline Part III B, which includes the topic of Maternal Pathology. Students will get full explanations of all answers.  While the the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams.


Practice Exam #3: Infant Physical Examination

This exam has 50 questions on topics found in the IBLCE Detailed Course Outline Part III A - Infant Pathology.  Learn about common newborn physical examination findings by taking this exam which includes multiple photographs. Students will get full explanations of all answers. While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams.


Practice Exam #4: Statistics, Research and Communication

This exam has 50 questions on topics found in the IBLCE Detailed Course Outline Part VII, which includes the topics of Statistics, Research and Communication. Students will get full explanations of all answers. While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams.


Practice Exam #5: 25 for 5 - Breasts and Gadgets

Want to brush up on your knowledge of breasts and gadgets?  This 25-question quiz, is for you!  Questions will include topics found in the IBLCE Detailed Course Outline Part I and VII, which includes the topics of Anatomy, Equipment and Technology.  You will get full explanations of all answers.  While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Practice Exam #6: 25 for 5 - Breastfeeding Recommendations and Milestones, Birth to 2 Years

This exam has 25 questions on topics found in the IBLCE Detailed Content Outline Part I, Infant Development and Nutrition.  Students will get full explanations of all answers.  While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Practice Exam #7: 25 for 5 - Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology

Want to test your knowledge of Detailed Content Area V?  This 25-question quiz, is for you!  You will have the opportunity to answer 25 questions on Psychology, Sociology and Anthropolgy as they relate to breastfeeding.  You will receive full explanations of all answers.  While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Practice Exam #8: 25 for 5 - Care of the Late Preterm Infant

With this 25-question quiz, you will have the opportunity to answer questions on Care of the Late Preterm Infant, a topic found in the IBLCE Detailed Course Outline Part I.  You will receive a score on your exam and full explanations of all answers.  While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Practice Exam #9: 25 for 5 - Child Development from Birth to 2 Years

If your goal is to learn more about child development, then this practice exam is for you!  You will have the opportunity to answer 25 questions on the ages and stages of children up to 2 years old including expected reflexes and milestones.  You will receive full explanations of all answers.  While the exam is a great educational tool, educational credits are not provided for Practice Exams. 


Milk Banking: What Is It? Why Use It?

Naomi Bar-Yam, ACSW, PhD, has been working in maternal and child health for over 35 years. Naomi is the past president of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) and the founder and director emerita of Mothers' Milk Bank Northeast. In this course Naomi reviews the history of wet-nursing to milk banking, the benefits of pasteurized donor human milk, and the processes involved in providing safe human milk for infants. 

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP
IBLCE Detailed Content Outline: I. Development and Nutrition
CLC Credits: 1 (This course qualifies as 1 Credit under ALPP CLC re-certification rules.) 
CEUs (Nursing Contact Hours): 1


Ten Tips on the Ten Steps: Baby-Friendly Highlights for Travelers

For hospitals on the Baby-Friendly journey, it can be a challenge to be sure that all staff, including "travelers," receive the education needed to meet Baby-Friendly criteria. This course offers a solid foundation for those new to Baby-Friendly practices.  Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

(Group discounts are available. For more information contact [email protected])

Credit Information:  1 CEU (Nursing Education)

Medications & Human Milk

Medications & Human Milk

Understand lactational pharmacology and how to evaluate medication safety for breastfeeding families

Instructor: Mary Foley, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: IV. Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Human Milk Composition

Dive into the makeup of human milk, from carbohydrates to fats to proteins, minerals, vitamins and other special components

Instructor: Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: I. Development and Nutrition, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Communication: Having Meaningful Conversations

Review the pathways and common barriers to communication, and learn how to improve your listening and conversational skills

Instructor: Mary Foley, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Credit Information: 1 R-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VII. Clinical Skills, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

This review of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders provides a better understanding of common mental health complications associated with pregnancy and birth and how to best address them.

Instructor: Michelle Visser, LMHC, CEIS

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: V. Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Seeing Yellow: Understanding Hyperbilirubinemia

This goal of this review is to help you understand bilirubin, causes of high bilirubin levels in the newborn and how to treat it.

Instructor: Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: III. Pathology, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Baby-Friendly and the Code

Learn about the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and the Code. Dr. Philipp shares practical tips that can be used to elicit change in the hospital setting.

Instructor: Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VII. Clinical Skills, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Twenty Years Baby-Friendly: Changing A Culture

Dr. Philipp reviews policy changes and new programs implemented over twenty years since her hospital’s Baby-Friendly designation. As she says, “Cut a cake and celebrate.”

Instructor: Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VII. Clinical Skills, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Ethics in Lactation Care

Learn ethical principles and common challenges faced by lactation care specialists. Learn about misfeasance, malfeasance and more. Course concludes with a discussion between two IBCLCs on how to handle some ethical dilemmas.

Instructor: Mary Foley, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Credit Information: 1 E-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VII. Clinical Skills / Ethical and Legal Issues, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Infant Formula Recall and Crisis: What’s the Scoop and Who’s to Blame?

Dive into the bacteria, Cronobacter sakazakii, and the problems it causes if it finds its way into powder infant formula. Learn why a recall at one manufacturing plant in Michigan led to a nationwide shortage of infant formula and why the crisis disproportionately impacted poor and Black families.

Instructor: Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM

Credit Information: 1 E-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VII. Clinical Skills, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Baby Café USA

Lucia Jenkins, an IBCLC for over 30 years, works actively as a Lactation Consultant in her private consulting practice  in the Greater Boston community. She is the originator of the first USA Baby Café, where she continues to support mother-baby dyads from pregnancy to weaning. In this course you will learn about the Baby Cafe model and how it came to be a national model of support for breastfeeding women.  Lucia will also review how you can start a Baby Cafe in your community.

Instructor: Lucia Jenkins, Founder and Chief Operations Officer of Baby Café USA

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: V. Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Skin-to-Skin Contact: The First Hour and Beyond

Learn about the basics of skin-to-skin contact after birth, the benefits and how to practice it safely.

Instructor: Mary Foley, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Credit Information: 1 L-CERP, Detailed Content Outline: VI. Techniques, 1 CLC, 1 CEU (Nursing Education), 1 CME (Provider Education)


Lactation College Bundle


Need CERPs or CEUs?  Select Lactation College Bundle and get all twelve of our lactation education courses for one low price.  A comprehensive lactation education package for 30%  savings. 




Meet the Founders

Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM is Professor of Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine and a Hospitalist in the Division of Newborn Medicine at Boston Medical Center. She is an award- winning educator and passionate breastfeeding advocate.

Mary Foley, RN, BSN, IBCLC is a registered nurse and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant working in both hospital-based and private practice settings. She is a breastfeeding champion, an in-demand clinician and a sought-after teacher.

How Lactation College Started

Dr. Barbara Philipp started the Lactation College newsletters in January, 2021. Dr. Philipp is a passionate breastfeeding advocate who has committed her 40-year career to advancing the interests of the breastfeeding community through her teaching and public education.

Working as a pediatrician in an urban setting, Dr. Philipp became increasingly aware, not only of the disparities related to breastfeeding initiation and duration rates, but of the disparities in the field of lactation itself. Her vision was to create a newsletter that would take important and sometimes complicated topics related to breastfeeding, break them down into understandable, easy-to-remember lessons with key points, and make them available to learners around the globe. And what if it was free?

Using the online platform, Substack, Dr. Philipp began her breastfeeding lessons. Though unsure how many people would be interested, within the first year Lactation College went viral. Two years later, the Lactation College on Substack has almost 7,000 subscribers.

In 2022, Dr. Philipp further envisioned a platform where she could take her down-to-earth teaching style to the next level, and offer courses for educational credits. She partnered with her long-time friend and colleague, Mary Foley, a registered nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. A breastfeeding advocate herself for over 30 years, Mary shared the vision of bringing breastfeeding education to the health care community and was delighted to join Dr. Philipp in this venture.

And here we are!

We hope you find this site useful. Our goal is to advance the education and training of lactation consultants, nurses, physicians and other health care providers in order to enhance the delivery of lactation care in the communities where we live and work. Our aim is to keep this education affordable so that all families can benefit.

As part of this mission, we will dedicate a portion of the proceeds of this site toward the continuation of the free Lactation College newsletters. Your participation in these courses helps us with this goal.

Welcome. We're glad you are here.

Join Lactation College on Substack.  It's free! 


If you’re interested in lactation training, this site is for you! These “classes", in the form of newsletters, are posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in both English and Spanish. Subscribe for free today!