Practice exams are pretty straight forward.
We hope you find our other courses easy to follow. To start, provide your registration information at Then select the course you wish to take. Each course is broken down into sections. As you move along, you go from one section to the next. The sections are:
1) Introduction
- Read - Welcome to the Course, click complete, click next
- Read - About Your Instructor, click complete, click next
- Read - Outline and Objectives, click complete, click next
2) Take the course (click on the video)
3) Take the quiz
- The quiz consists of 10 questions. A pass is 80% or better. Therefore, if you get 8 or more questions correct, you Pass! If you do not achieve that grade, you will be asked to take the quiz again. Once you pass you can see how you did on the questions and which ones you may have gotten wrong.
4) Complete the course evaluation
- The evaluation consists of 12 questions, 11 multiple choice questions and 1 box for written comments. If you have questions, please use the "Contact Us," form. Do not use the evaluation form for questions, as these forms are not reviewed daily.
5) Complete the certificate information
- Enter your name as you wish it to be on the certificate and your email address (which is where the certificate will be mailed).