Terms & Conditions

Lactation College Terms and Conditions 

Thank you for your interest and participation in educational courses from Lactation College. With your purchase you acknowledge and accept the Terms and Conditions stated below. If you have any questions in regards to these Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us at info@lactationcollege.com

Your privacy is important to us. Information you provided during registration and throughout your learning experience will not be shared with any third party. We will contact you periodically via email to provide information relevant to your account and for general educational opportunity updates.

Through lactationcollege.com, you will be able to access courses that have been recorded by various instructors. A viewing time of one year will be allotted to each product and you will have access to the course throughout that year. Lactation College owns the property rights to the lectures on our website and grants the user non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-salable use of the course materials.

Cancellation / Refund Policy
Course Fees

  • Lactation College is based out of the state of Massachusetts in the United States of America. The pricing of each course is based on USD currency. However, you may experience an International Transaction Fee from your credit card merchant.
  • A refund will not be granted for any course that has been accessed.
  • A refund will not be granted for failure to attend or software incompatibility.
  • A refund request or inquiry should be directed to info@lactationcollege.com

Credits for Continuing Education

  • Credits for continuing education will be available for certain fields of health care providers. Please review the available credits for each lecture prior to purchasing the product.
  • In order to receive accreditation for a particular presentation, participants must be logged-in with their own username and password.
  • You will be required to complete and pass a short quiz and an evaluation after viewing each presentation to verify you have participated in the learning activity.
  • Once a course is completed, including completion of quiz and evaluation, you will then be able to download your certificate of completion.
  • Each certificate will reflect the amount of educational activity that has occurred. 

WHO Code Policy

  • Lactation College is compliant with the World Health Organization’s International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes (the Code). As such, we do not accept sponsorship or advertising from any manufacturer, organization or company that is deemed to be in violation of the Code.
  • We also require our Instructors to sign an agreement stating their knowledge of and compliance with the WHO Code.
  • Should any individual, organization, or corporation who is speaking or sponsoring Lactation College courses be found to be in violation of the WHO Code, Lactation College is at liberty to cancel their involvement and nullify any prior agreements.


  • Lactation College is not responsible for ensuring that a participant’s computer specifications and internet configuration enable them to participate in Lactation College courses.
  • Participants are strongly advised to ensure that their computer and software configuration have a minimum internet connection speed of at least 56.6 kbps. (Be aware that a lower internet connection speed may affect the quality of your course experience.)

Online Privacy

  • Each individual’s log-in details belong solely to the participant to whom Lactation College has provided them to.
  • Log in details are not sharable; they are to be used solely by the person who they are provided to.
  • “Sharing” log-in details or allowing other non-registered individuals to view Lactation College courses violates this privacy policy.


  • Lactation College values and actively promotes the rights of all individuals, regardless of income disparities, gender, disabilities, cultural diversity, and geographic remoteness, to have an equal opportunity to experience success in their academic endeavors pertaining to their education with Lactation College.
  • Lactation College is committed to treating all its learners in a manner that allows them to achieve their learning goals with confidence, inclusion, and independence.


  • In its advertising, promotional materials, website and online courses, Lactation College uses only those images for which it owns and has a right to share, has purchased the rights to share, or has obtained legal permission to share.
  • Lactation College requires its Instructors to use only those images and graphics that they own personally and have a right to share, have purchased the rights to share, or have obtained legal permission to share in the presentations and power points that they  present.
  • Lactation College Instructors retain ownership of the content of their presentations.
  • Lactation College participants have permission to print handouts provided by Lactation College.
  • Participants do not have permission to access any part of the Instructor’s Recording.
  • It is the policy of Lactation College that the onus is on the Instructor to honor this policy and to ensure that their images and graphics fall within; Lactation College is not able to vet each image and graphic that form part of the presentations
  • Should anyone suspect copyright infringement in or during a power point or presentation at Lactation College, we invite them to contact us at info@lactationcollege.com