Milk Matters

Lactation College Blog Posts

Nipple Pliability: A Tale of Two Sisters Apr 18, 2024
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Pasteurized Donor Human Milk: Human Milk for Human Babies human milk pasteurized donor human milk pdhm Feb 05, 2024


Pasteurized Donor Human Milk (PDHM) is human milk that has been donated to a milk bank and pasteurized in a gentle heat treatment process which kills bacteria and viruses while maintaining the milk’s nutritional value.  PDHM goes through a rigorous testing process to ensure high quality and safet...

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IBCLC Certification: Why You Should Consider Becoming and IBCLC Jan 27, 2024

If you’ve been working in the setting of maternal-child health for any length of time, I’m sure that breastfeeding education, assistance and support is a big part of what you do.   That’s not surprising since over 80% of women in the US initiate breastfeeding in the first days of life.   If you work...

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Taking the IBCLC Exam? Ten Test-Taking Tips ibclc exam test taking Sep 18, 2023

Congratulations to those of you who are getting ready to take the IBCLC exam this year.  As an IBCLC who has taken the exam four times (!) in my 30+ years of practice, I know the amount of studying and worrying that can take place in the months and weeks before the exam.   Not to mention the clinica...

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What is Lactation College? breastfeeding buzz pediatric pearls research thursday the lactation college on substack Aug 25, 2023

The goal of this blog is to answer the question in this email: "So many of my friends are recommending the Lactation College but I am confused about how to find it and which one is which. Can you help me?"

First, how GREAT IS IT that interest in lactation growing such that interest in our writings ...

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Setting Mom and Baby Up for Breastfeeding Success in the Hospital: More Than Just the Latch breastfeeding support Aug 07, 2023


Getting moms and babies off to a good start with breastfeeding in the first few days following birth is crucial to future success.   We know that early effective feeding helps to establish a full milk supply and leads to longer breastfeeding duration.  But what is the best way to support this imp...

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Growth Charts: The History Behind the Curves Jul 24, 2023

A key tool for anyone caring for infants and children are growth charts. The following excerpt provides some history behind growth charts. It comes from an article written by Aaron E. Carroll entitled, The Trouble with Growth Charts. It was published in on November 25, 2019.


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When Should I Start Pumping? breast pumping breastfeeding Jul 10, 2023
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What's New in the Baby-Friendly USA GEC? baby-friendly hospital initiative Jun 26, 2023

The 6th edition of the Baby-Friendly USA Guideline and Evaluation Criteria (GEC) went into effect June 1, 2023. This post will discuss 4 of the changes in the new GEC.

First, some background.

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative is an international designation established by the World Health Orga...

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In Defense of Rooming-In Jun 12, 2023

Rooming-in is the maternity model of care which allows for mothers and infants to stay together and minimizes unnecessary separation.  It is also one of the Ten-Steps to Successful Breastfeeding which are the backbone of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.  So why does rooming-in seem to be getti...

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7 Facts about the PUMP Act pump act May 29, 2023

The PUMP Act went into full effect this month in the United States. Here are 7 things to know about this new law.

#1 Full name

The full name of the PUMP Act is Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act. Congress passed the legislation on December 29, 2022 but it was rolled out ...

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10 Myths About Baby-Friendly baby-friendly hospital initiative myths May 15, 2023

I’ve had the unique opportunity to visit hospitals around the country for various conferences and consults, and it was always amazing to me that I would hear the very same myths about Baby-Friendly repeated from one hospital to the next, and from one state to the next. It was as though there was som...

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